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Our Mission
To consciously integrate a regenerative community lifestyle that enables individual purpose and inspires a meaningful healthy life in harmony with the earth.
We are the change we have been waiting for. As the Awakening of humanity revels the shadows of society, we are called to bring forth our individual light. Each one of us was given a purpose, a gift we were born to discover and instills a fulfillment of our soul. These gifts are the creation blocks of the New Earth. Sacred Nectar Sanctuary is a space holder for these new ways of being to be shared so the "more beautiful wold our hearts know is possible"-Charles Eisenstein, may blossom into reality. We are the grid holders of a new vibrational reality. Those who no longer agree with the broken systems are leaving the old ways behind to decay so it's soil may sprout a reality that serves the whole. We are here to leave behind a world to be proud of. A World to raise our children in authentic being, and awareness of what it means to care for the earth and one another.

2024 Goals
​​Begin hosting a children's program to start the path to our nature education center.
Build A frame cabins and hempcrete timber frame cabin for campsites
Build a barn/ seed starting room/ walk in cooler for storing market vegetables.
Host More Workshops!
Establish walking trail system, signs and map.

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